APMT Gijon doubles storage space in response to surging volume

APMT Gijon doubles storage space in response to surging volume

APM Terminals Gijon has doubled the size of its empty container storage space and upgraded its infrastructure in response to higher volumes, according to APM Terminals.

The terminal operator said APM Terminals Gijon was close to exceeding capacity die to a stevedoring strike in the Port of Bilbao, which caused diversion to other ports, such as the Port of Gijon, for over a month.

As a result of this situation, APM Terminals Gijon is currently handling twice the usual number of containers due to the diversion of cargo on ships calling at the port in Asturias, which usually also call at Bilbao.

In response to this situation, the company has been supported by the company’s Spanish Gateway Terminals structure, to temporarily move employees from other terminals and double its team in Gijon. 

In collaboration with the Port Authority, it has made more space available by utilising an area next to the terminal. New machinery has also been made available and operational improvements, such as extending the opening hours of the gate, have been implemented.

APM Terminals Gijon said it is working in coordination with the Administration to speed up customs procedures and improve the delivery of empty containers which, being in separate areas, no longer have to share queues with full containers, guaranteeing the delivery of this equipment.

Another action in place is a procedure for the delivery and reception of containers by truck to speed up and improve the flow of incoming and outgoing containers. In addition, having two rail operators is helping to relieve gate congestion with incoming rail cargo. 

In a statement, APM Terminals said: “APM Terminals Gijon has been able to respond quickly to provide solutions and resources, and coordinate with all the stakeholders involved in the supply chain, to seek a joint global solution to return the service to normal.”

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