Maersk works with Harbor Trucking Association to meet demand

Maersk works with trucking association to ease congestion

A.P. Moller-Maersk (Maersk) has said it is actively working with Harbor Trucking Association (HTA) to manage the demands of peak US transpacific shipping season at the Port of Long Beach.

The carrier said it was working closely with the 15,000-member HTA to work on short-term and medium-term solutions to ensuring trade continues to move smoothly.

Narin Phol, Maersk North America’s Regional Managing Director said: “Every week brings new volumes, new challenges and opportunities so it is essential we collaborate effectively with our HTA partners. We are exploring short-term and long-term solutions with all our key stakeholders to address the situation.”

As the global integrator of container logistics, Maersk is in daily contact with the HTA and Weston LaBar, the President of the Harbor Trucking Association to hear and share feedback on terminal performance such as truck gates, appointment systems, empty returns and ways to optimize the trucker experience of HTA members.

APM Terminals Pier 400 Los Angeles is the largest privately-operated container terminal in the Los Angeles/Long Beach port – and in North America. As such, it plays a pivotal role in the daily flow of cargo with the trucking community.

Maersk said the terminal is focused on dual transactions, which enable a trucker to return an empty container and pick up an import container for local delivery. 65% of Pier 400’s gate transactions are dual transactions – and the goal is to increase this, enabling higher productivity trips for harbor truckers. Pier 400 is also offering late night, Friday gates from 6:00 pm – 3:00 am and Saturday gates 8:00 am – 4:00 pm based on customer and trucker needs during peak season.

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