New wave of strikes threatens UK rail transport

UK rail

The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) has announced a further round of strike action set to cause disruption across UK rail network.

Some 40,000 workers across Network Rail and 14 train operators are planning a walkout on 18 and 20 August, whilst the RMT union has already planned another strike on 27 July.

The RMT union has taken the decision in a row over job security, pay and working conditions.

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“They need to get serious about providing an offer on pay which helps deal with the cost-of-living crisis, job security for our members and provides good conditions at work,” said RMT General Secretary, Mick Lynch.

“Recent proposals from Network Rail fell well short on pay and on safety around maintenance work. And the train operating companies have not even made us a pay offer in recent negotiations.”

Lynch added the union remains opens for talks, but the action will go ahead until a decent settlement is reached.

In the meantime, Danish giant Maersk has released a notice to inform customers about potential disruptions across its UK networks. The company is still assessing the impact the strike will have on inland operations and said it will work to minimise obstructions.

Back in June, millions braced for the UK’s biggest train strikes in decades, which reduced services by around 80 per cent.

Last-minute talks over pay and pensions between unions and Britain’s rail executives failed to provide a negotiated solution.

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