The proposed Oakland Harbor Turning Basins Widening Navigation Project has released a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR).
The Port of Oakland will host three public meetings during the 45-day public review and comment period to collect feedback from the community.
The proposed project includes widening both turning basins to accommodate vessels up to 1,310 feet in length.
The benefits of widening the turning basins include:
- Safer navigation for large vessels already calling Oakland;
- Improved waterways resulting in more efficient goods movement;
- Reduced delays and vessel wait times;
- Improved flexibility for vessels to connect to shore power; and
- Reduced total vessel emissions.
“This is another important step along our path to improving the Oakland Seaport,” said Port of Oakland Maritime Director, Bryan Brandes.
“Investing in the port’s turning basins is essential for ensuring a cleaner future and moving goods through the port safely and efficiently.
“We look forward to receiving the community’s additional feedback on the Draft EIR,” Brandes added.
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The port has been taking in community input on the proposed project since 2020. Public meetings are scheduled to be held on 25 October, 6 November, and 7 November. The purpose of the meetings is to share information on the proposed project and receive comments on the Draft EIR.
Interested parties have until 17 November to submit comments on the Draft EIR.
When the Final EIR is complete, the Port’s Board of Commissioners will consider the EIR and determine if it was prepared in compliance with CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act).