The Port Authority of Valencia (PAV) has announced the opening of the ZAL project (Logistics Activities Zone).
The Board of Directors of Valencia Intermodal and Logistics Platform (VPI-Logistica) met on 26 March with the goal of starting all of the necessary procedures to activate the project.
The Board of Directors of VPI-Logística, chaired by the President of the PAV, now includes new directors: three representing the PAV, two representing the Generalitat Valenciana, one representing the City Council of València, and a representative of SEPES (Entidad Pública Empresarial de Suelo), who holds the same position.
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The Council members highlighted the significance of the Supreme Court verdict – judgement no. 441/2024 of 12 March, made public two days later – which declared the Special Plan for the ZAL of the Port of Valencia to be legal.
This Supreme Court decision resolves the ZAL’s legal and urban planning issue, allowing the formalisation of surface rights granted on four logistical plots in the park to be activated.