Sikh refugees discovered in container at Tilbury Docks


An international investigation has been launched after 35 adults and children were found ‘banging and screaming’ in a shipping container in Tilbury Docks, England, on Saturday morning.

The ethnicity of the 35 adults and children is believed to be Sikhs from Afghanistan.

It was reported one of the men had died and the rest were treated for severe dehydration and hypothermia.

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Belgian Police believe the immigrants were probably already inside the container when it was dropped at a European port before setting sail for Britain.

UKOfficers and Border Force are expected to conduct interviews with the victims via interpreters, now that they have been discharged from hospital, to ascertain what happened.

Bhai Amrik Singh, chairman of the Sikh Federation (UK), said that the tragedy was a reminder of the horrible persecution of the Sikh minority in Afghanistan, the exploitation of human trafficking and weak security checks.

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