Dry Bulk & Specialist Cargo Handling

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December 6, 2017
To meet the challenges of future global food production demands, grain handling systems need to minimise waste at every stage in the logistics chain. This is why investing in an efficient system is a shrewd long-term decision by a port. Investments in port-machinery are, by their nature, long-term. The World Bank estimates that from now until 2050, global food production will need to increase by at least 50%, despite a crop yield that may by that time have diminished by 25% due to climate change. Ports, shipping and logistics will come under unprecedented pressure to ensure that as little grain cargo as possible is wasted. Handling facilities which spill, degrade, or otherwise waste these increasingly vital grain cargoes will not be regarded sympathetically – wise considerations for port operators when making their next investment.
Peter Göransson, Siwertell Sales Manager, Siwertell, Gunnarstorp, Sweden
Edition: Cyber Risk & Security
December 6, 2017
When unloading bulk commodities from cargo ships, there are several major challenges to consider in mitigating fugitive dust emissions, including: wind velocity, type of cargo, height of the ship, unloading method and the port’s proximity to residential and commercial areas. All of these factors can impact air quality compliance and workplace safety, as well as community relations. As local, state and federal air quality regulations get stricter, the issue of fugitive dust control and resulting runoff of water used to suppress fugitive dust becomes an increasing concern for port operators.
Jason Lesch, Technical Service Coordinator, BossTek, Peoria, US
Edition: Cyber Risk & Security
October 9, 2017
The world is currently experiencing a noticeable recovery in the petroleum and mineral resources sectors after suffering a major downturn for the last two years. This downturn saw market prices for nearly every resource commodity sink to such low levels that production was curtailed to minimal levels by many companies as they struggled to stay in business.
Joel Shirriff, P Eng, Vice President, Global Practice Lead Terminals and Transportation, Ausenco, Vancouver, Canada
Edition: Mega-Ports & Mega-Terminals
October 9, 2017
It took 165 years, but Metro Ports is now operating a Great Lakes terminal. On July 1, 2017 the company took over operation of the bulk terminal at the Port of Indiana Burns Harbor on Lake Michigan.
Michael Ferguson, President, Metro Ports, Long Beach, California
Edition: Mega-Ports & Mega-Terminals
June 9, 2017
This paper examines how the integration of three bulk decision-making problems are of critical importance to ensure efficient operation and use of port terminal facilities
Professor Gustavo Campos Menezes, Professor Geraldo Robson Mateus and Professor Martín Goméz Ravetti
Edition: AI & Automation
June 9, 2017
For the first time since 2000 the order-book has shrunk below 8% of the total dry bulk fleet
Rahul Sharan, Drewry
Edition: AI & Automation
June 8, 2017
Biomass is one of the fastest growing bulk shipping sectors, fuelled mainly by wood pellets coming in to Europe to replace some of the coal used by existing power stations. Obviously as a fuel it is combustible; the same can be said for coal, but animal feed, grain, sugar and other organic material can behave in the same way.
Professor Mike Bradley, University of Greenwich
Edition: AI & Automation
June 8, 2017
Bulk terminal operations need to be prepared to adjust to fluctuating market trends and demands for certain commodities
Joel Shirriff, P.Eng., Global Practice Lead: Terminals and Transportation, Ausenco
Edition: AI & Automation
March 22, 2017
Over the past 15 years, the ocean logistics industry experienced vast changes to business models, services and technology adoption. In 2016, the pace of technology innovation accelerated as participants sought business model optimisation.
Inna Kuznetsova, Jeff L. Howard and Peter Spellman, INTTRA
Edition: The Automation, Training & Simulation Issue
December 8, 2016
In 2012, the international seaborne trade for dry bulk cargo continued to grow: an overall growth of 5.7 percent, within which was a 7.2 percent increase rate for major bulks. Unlike other types of terminals (e.g. container terminals, general cargo terminals), for dry bulk terminals it is important to distinguish if they are export or import terminals. Because of the differences in objectives (i.e. export or import dry bulks), an export bulk terminal is designed rather differently from an import bulk terminal
Dr Mi-Rong Wu, consultant, TBA, Delft, The Netherlands
Edition: The Journal of Ports & Terminals – Top 30 Technical Papers 2014-2016
October 18, 2016
Docksolid Bulk Port Equipment is a range of mechanical handling solutions for port terminals handling grains, coal, minerals, cement, fertilisers, powders or other dry bulk commodities. The brand includes extremely robust and reliable ship unloading systems, with a focus on flexibility of use and highly manoeuvrable mobile equipment.
Maurice Moroney, Marketing and Business Development Manager, DOCKSOLID and Buttimer Engineering
Edition: The Bulk Issue
October 5, 2016
To stand out from the competition in the world market, companies must be able to call upon a sustainable, flexible, efficient and most of all, innovative supply chain in which all links play an effective role. The Port of Antwerp is an example of a crucial link in the supply chain.
Wim Dillen, Antwerp Port Authority
Edition: The Bulk Issue

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